This page is a resourse for current information on Scouts BSA Troop 427. Check below for the latest forms and information to download. Google Calendar updates are posted below for the entire season of scouting.
Current Links and Upcoming Events
- First Aid Merit Badge - Tuesday February 4th at 6pm in the lower meeting rooms followed by the Troop Meeting at 7pm in South Hall
- Troop Polar Outing at 4 Mile Creek - February 22-23, 2025
Cold Weather Survival Outing fulfills Camping (Eagle Required) Merit Badge Requirement. Troop 427 will be attending a Winter Polar Outing at Four Mile Creek on February 22-23, 2025 Four Mile Creek is off Hwy KK near Mosinee. We will start to load gear at St. Anne's Saturday morning at 8:30am. Polar Outing will focus on "winter survival" and will include a survival skills trail. We build and sleep in a homemade lean-to with a reflector fire for heat. Sleep on Straw, bring lots of extra blankets warm sleeping bag. Training at scout meeting on outdoor clothing, hypothermia, menu and food prep. We will eat as a unit with duty rosters. All participants will receive the troop polar patch. Cost for the event is $20 per participant. We will need help with transportation as well as adults that stay overnight. See below. We will return on Sunday February 23 around 9:30am
- Troop Permission Slip (Due at the February 18th Troop Meeting) The Permission slip is updated as a fillable form. Options for filling out the form.
- Export the PDF permission slip to your computer. Fill out the form, save it to your computer, print out a copy and bring to the scout meeting. (Best method)
- Print the form as is and manually fill it out and bring to the scout meeting.
- Export the PDF permission slip to your computer. Fill out the form and save to your computer. Send the digital PDF to the Troop Committee Chair's email.
- Troop Permission Slip (Due at the February 18th Troop Meeting) The Permission slip is updated as a fillable form. Options for filling out the form.
- Samoset Information on NYLT National Youth Leadership Training - June 8th -14th, 2025 at Hanna Venture Base. National Youth Leadership Training training is an exciting, action-packed program designed to provide youth members with leadership skills and experience they can use in their home troops and in situations demanding leadership of self and others. Course content is designed to build leadership concepts progressively, using practical exercises to reinforce learning.
- Scouts are able to use their Troop Scout Account to help pay for the cost of NYLT. If the scout would like to use their Troop Scout Account to pay for the initial sign up or the full amount they should contact their Scoutmaster Mr. Andrew Klement or the Troop Committe Chair Mr. Peter Raschke and the Troop will sign up the Scout and make the payment. If the Scout is not planning to use their Troop Scout Account for payment then they may sign up on their own at the Samoset NYLT site.
- Brochure with info on NYLT
- Samoset NYLT Information Site with links to pricing, resources and location.
- Link to Samoset Financial Aid for the NYLT Program - Financial help from donors to Samoset is available upon request.
- Samoset Information on the 2026 National Jamboree - Jamboree dates are July 22-31, 2026, with touring added either before or after those dates. Scouts may use their Scout Accounts for the $100 deposit needed to sign up.
Scouts BSA program with Troops 427 - Important Links and Troop Forms
- Blank Troop Deposit/Refund Slips
- Weekly Dues Information and Form - New Policy in place.
- BSA Personal Safety Awareness Videos & Scouts BSA Youth Protection Training for Scouts – Scout Rank Req.# 6a. & Star Rank Req. #6.
- Link to Scouts BSA Advancement and Award Opportunities
- Scouts BSA Troops 427 Position Trained Requirements
- Eagle Scout Resources
Scoutbook Connections
- LOGIN to: Scoutbook (For access to Rank advancement)
- Scoutbook Tutorial for Parents
- Scouts can login to Scoutbook if their parents invite them. A parent needs to be associated with their Scout by the Scoutbook unit admin, then the parent logs in and clicks on their Scout, goes to Edit Profile and at the bottom of the page is a place there the parent can invite the Scout to participate. Only a parent can do this. Setting up an Account Your Scout Can Use is in the Scoutbook Tutorial for Parents towards the bottom of the instructions.
- Link to the Scoutbook App for Parents and Scouts (iPhone or iPad version) For parents and Scouts to track the Scouting Experience from Lion to Eagle Scout. This app is for parents and scouts only, it is not for adult leaders to track scouts. A log in is required and your account must either be connected to a Scout as a parent or be a youth account.
- Link to the Scoutbook App for Parents and Scouts (Google Play Android) For parents and Scouts to track the Scouting Experience from Lion to Eagle Scout. This app is for parents and scouts only, it is not for adult leaders to track scouts. A log in is required and your account must either be connected to a Scout as a parent or be a youth account.
Financial Assistance Links
- Samoset Council Financial Assistance - Families that need financial assistance are welcome to apply for National BSA membership fee, Samoset Council program fee, Scout Handbook, and Scout uniform assistance. We don’t want cost to be a barrier for any family. Go to to complete a financial assistance form. In addition, unit money earning opportunities (i.e., popcorn sale, firewood) should be part of a plan for Scouts to earn their own way.
- Online Samoset Campership Application - Complete for campers with financial need - submit by April 1st.
- Troop 427 Camp Scholarship Request Form Available for members of Scouts BSA Troops 427 - This form is completely confidential and is only seen by the Scoutmaster and the Troop Camp Scholarship Committee. Scoutmaster Signature Required. Form needs to be submitted to the Troop Committee Chair
Other Links
- Annual Health and Medical Form - Complete for all summer camp participants (including adult leaders) needs to be turned into the troop by the end of May 2024. If forms are not in (waiting for doctor appointment) please let us know the date that they will be turned in.
- Link to the Official Obituary of Wayne G. Waldhart
Troops 427 & 9427 In the News
- Channel 9 WAOW has a feature on our troops volunteerings, Area Scouts ask for donations in 'Scouting For Food' April 13th, 2024
- Check it out our Troops have made the Scouting Life Magazine: Scouts Hone Their Survival Skills as Temperatures Fall Into the Single Digits - In the December 2023 issue of Scout Life Magazine (BSA's national magazine).
- WAOW Channel 9 Video - Check out the feature on Addison Puent's American Red Cross Blood Drive for her Eagle Project.
- WAOW Channel 9 Video - Local girl among first female Eagle Scouts in the nation - Check out the feature of Katie Martell, our first female Eagle Scout in Troop 427.
- Wausau Daily Herald Article - Wausau's Katie Martell breaks new ground as area's first female Eagle Scout
- Channel 9 WAOW News with our Troop Christmas Service Project for 2018.