Guidelines for Eagle Scout Candidates in Scouts BSA Troops 427
This page serves as a reference for all Eagle Scout candidates and as a resource for all Eagle Scouts. You will find advice and guidlines to help you on your journey to becoming an Eagle Scouts in the Scouts BSA program of the Boy Scouts of America. For those that have achieved the Eagle Rank this site is a great resource. When you download PDF forms, make sure you have the latest version of Adobe Reader or Acrobat on your computer. There is a link below to Adobe. If you have any questions please consult with your Scoutmaster or the Troop Committee Chair.
The Journey Starts "Life to Eagle"
- Samoset Council's Resources "Life to Eagle" website information.
- Samoset Council's Life to Eagle Checklist
- Samoset Council Guide pages This is a Digital Copy of the Hard Copy "Life to Eagle" packet that is given to the Scout when they complete the rank of Life. In this packet of seven pages are specific information for a Scout in Samoset Council. The Eagle Service Project Workbook link below is needed to complete your proposal for an Eagle Project.
- BSA Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook (Fillable PDF) This link takes the user to a page on the BSA website with instructions on how to download the file. There are different ways to save the file depending on if you are a pc or a mac user. Follow the instructions to save the file on your computer. This workbook allows the user to type in the information for their packet. As you enter data keep saving the file as you go along. Do not wait long periods to save in case the program crashes.
- Link to the latest version of Abobe Acrobat Reader DC to use the filable document.
Getting Started with the Eagle Project
- Navigating the Eagle Scout Service Project (PDF) - Information for Project Beneficiaries This page should be given to the Project Beneficiaries so everyone is aware of how the program is structured.
- Guide to Safe Scouting Website Information Review to make sure that you are following safe scouting guidlines. Available for download is a Guide to Safe Scouting Printer Friendly PDF
- Eagle Scout Project Opportunity Monk Botanical Gardens has opportunities for Eagle Service Projects at their facility. Contact Patrick Murphy, Facility & Grounds Director at 715-575-1903 or
- Keep notes, logs, invoices, anything to do with the project, write it down and included with your report.
- Take before, during and after photos if applicable.
- Type your final report using the BSA Leadership Service Project Workbook pdf document listed above.
- Be sure to included at least one Unit Evaluation Leader Project Evaluation Form. This form is included on the last page of the Samoset Council Guide. This Evaluation form needs to be included with the final paper work needed with the Eagle Application.
- Final project report must included all required signatures. After the proposal is approved, the Scout should file the original document with signatures in a safe place. We recommend a 3-ring binder with clear sleeves to keep everything organized.
Eagle Application Forms and References
- Eagle Scout Rank Application (Fillable PDF) You can use this application, or a better recommendation is to use Scoutbook to pull up the application. Scoutbook will fill in all the merit badges with dates completed on the application.
- Eagle Scout References (Fillable PDF or Print out and mail) Make sure to have correct addresses, including city, state, zip, phone and email. Contact references prior to mailing out letters. Follow mailing with phone call or email 1-2 weeks later. (Need 6 reference letters) The address on each envelope should be:
Samoset Council Boy Scouts of America
3511 Camp Phillips Rd
Weston, WI 54476 - Sign and date application form. Application will not clear the scout office until all 6 reference letters are received by the office. You may contact the Samoset Scout Office to see which letters are not turned in. (715) 355-1450 or email at:
- Confirm all dates with the Troop Advancement Chair or Troop Committee Chair.
- Navigating the Eagle Scout Service Project (PDF) - Information for Project Beneficiaries
- Eagle Scout Service Project of the Year Award (PDF) Needs to be submitted by the Eagle Scout
Statement of your Ambitions and Life Purpose
- Type out the paper. What are your plans, education, job, career, marriage, dreams and ambitions.
- This paper as well as the Awards and Honors paper need to be included with the Scoutmaster Conference.
Awards & Honors Paper
- Type out the paper.
- List everything you do: church, sports, music, school, clubs leadership roles, academic achievements and awards. You should also include all scout related awards that are not listed in the application. Examples would be Order of the Arrow, religious awards, high adventure participation and leadership roles.
- The Awards and Honors paper need to be included with the Scoutmaster Conference.
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Scoutmaster Conference
- Informal
- Have all forms completed and signatures as required.
- Conference will be held at the candidates home (if convenient) with parents present. Important documents needed at the Scoutmaster Conference.
- Eagle Scout Rank Application Best version is by loging into Scoutbook, go to Reports and then click Eagle Application. Scoutbook also has an individual advancement record. You can also ask your or scout leader to get your "Individual History Report" which will included dates on all ranks, leadership positions, merit badges, and scout awards.
- Life Purpose Paper (typed)
- Awards and Honors Paper (typed)
- Completed Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook. This includes 3 sections: the Proposal (with original signatures), Project Plan, and Project Report (with the Beneficiary signature).
- Last the Scout should include the Unit Evaluation Leader Project Evaluation Form. This form is included on the last page of the Samoset Council Guide.
- After getting all needed signatures turn in all the completed paper work above to the Samoset Council Scout Office.
Board of Review
- Once all the Eagle paperwork is with Samoset Council, the Council will verify your paperwork and forward to an area Eagle Advocate to schedule a board of review. The Eagle Advocate will contact the troop and the troop will contact the Eagle candidate for an appropriate date for all parties.
- Make sure to be in full scout uniform with Troop 427 Neckerchief. Merit Badge sash optional.
- Arrive 10-15 minutes early.
- Scoutmaster will introduce you and sit in on the Board of Review if you request. The board will consist of Troop Committee members, Adult Leaders and a representative of Samoset Council.
- Make eye contact.
- Shake hands.
- Speak clearly and precisely.
- Remember, your guide is your experience that you have from the Boy Scout Program. How does the Scout Oath and Law, Scout Slogan and Scout Motto apply to who you are and how you act as a person.
- Thank everyone at the conclusion of the review.
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Eagle Court of Honor
- Although this is a Troop activity, please treat as a family celebration. Eagle Court of Honors are organized by the family of the Eagle Scout with full participation of the troop.
- Allow approximately three weeks from the completion of the Board of Review.
- Choose date to avoid conflicts with Troop, school and other activites. Check the Green Bay Packer schedule.
- Location, is your families choice. Scout families are welcome to use any facilities (VFW Hall, local parks, etc.) to hold the Eagle Court of Honor.
- If a family would like to use the facilities at St. Anne’s Parish they need to contact the Troop Committee Chair to schedule the event. The Committee Chair works with the Church office for scheduling use of the facilities and the troop will help in organizing an Eagle Court of Honor. The facilities at St. Annes that would be available for the Eagle Court of Honor would be McKillip Hall and/or Fisher Hall. And there may be a cost for certain setup items. See the Troop Committee Chair for details.
- Plan program for 45-60 minutes.
- Optional refreshments/meal at families expense.
- Troop will provide Eagle hat, Eagle neckerchief, and Eagle neckerchief holder. Samoset Council will provide the Eagle Badge, Eagle patch, parent pins, mentor pin, and Eagle certificate.
- Flowers for mothers, sisters, grandmothers are a nice touch.
- If you plan to use an Eagle Cake and the Bakery is requesting permission from BSA for the Trademark follow the instructions on this link: What to do when a bakery tells you it won’t put a trademarked BSA logo on your cake
- Notices to the President of the United States, Vice President, Senators, Congressman, Governor, Military Leaders, Government officials, State Assembly/Senate should be sent 4-6 weeks ahead of time. They will send certificates. Links included below:
- Contact the Whitehouse - with the current President and Vice President
- U.S. Senators – Search for your senators by name, state, or congressional class; and visit their websites.
- U.S. Representatives – Find contact information for your U.S. representative by typing in your zip code.
- United States Senator Ron Johnson - Website - Information on Scout Recognition
- United States Senator Tammy Baldwin - Website
- United States Representative Tom Tiffany - Website (7th Congressional District) - Information on Eagle Scout Congressional Commendations - 2620 Steward Ave. Suite 312 , Wausau WI 54401, 715-298-9344
- Request a Milestone/Achievement from Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers
- State Senator Cory Tomczyk - State of Wisconsin 29th District - Mailing Address: P.O. Box 7882, Madison, WI 53707-7882 (608) 266-2502 - Website Home with information on requesting a Wisconsin Citation
- State Representative Patrick Snyder - State of Wisconsin 85th Assembly District - Mailing Address: State Capitol, Room 9 West - Madison, WI 53708 - Website - Request page for Citations/Commendations from the State Legislature
- State Representative John Spiros - State of Wisconsin 86th Assembly District - Mailing Address: P.O. Box 8953 Madison, WI 53708-8953 - Website - Request a Legislative Citation
- Links to other U.S. agencies and Service Academies to request Certificates
- Invitations to all Troop families
- Who to invite - Troop families, relatives, friends, government leaders, teachers, coaches, and Scout Leaders.
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Eagle Court of Honor Program
- 45 to 60 minutes
- Formal Flag opening.
- Recruit a Master of Ceremonies, adult or youth.
- Guest Speaker / Eagle Challenge - 5 minutes
- Introduction of special guests, relatives, dignataries, church leaders and scout officials.
- Eagle Badge presentor, your choice.
- Presentations of Eagle Hat and Neckerchief
- Short thank you/talk by the new Eagle Scout
- Grace
- Formal Closing
- Program may include:
- Slide shows
- Photo books
- Decorations
- Presentations by Government Officials
- Candelabra
- Eagle Honor Guard (past Eagle Scouts)
- Presentation of Mentor Pin
- Other presentations, comments by Scoutmaster and/or family members.
- Music
Eagle Scholarships
Below are links to scholarships that are available to Eagle Scouts.
- Hanna Eagle Scholarship Application Information Page at Samoset Council with links to the First Time Application and Renewal Application
- National Eagle Scout Association Scholarship Applications
- National Eagle Scout Association (Website)
- VFW Scout of the Year Award
- American Legion Eagle Scout of the Year Scholarship